My Visitors

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  Name : Lorraine
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : NSW show
Comments : Met you at the show over the weekend. Fell in love with Dottie. Will be in touch when we are ready for our puppy. Was lovely to meet you
Date : 15-Jan-23

  Name : loretta johnson
Web Site :
How you found us : DRA
Comments : beautiful dogs Karen. We are currently looking for a longhair after having five dashies including a wire haired. interested to know if you have any longhairs available? Has Hondo gone? LJ
Date : 7-May-22

  Name : Tony Maddern
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Through Dogs NSW
Comments : You have some great pictures Karen and Beautiful doachies of course.
Date : 17-Jul-20

  Name : Judy White
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : dogs on line
Comments :
Date : 16-Apr-20

  Name : Lynne-Maree Lutton
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Dogs on Line
Comments : Looking for a mini Long Haired Shaded Cream. Live in Campbelltown NSW
Date : 2-Jan-20

  Name : Mrs. L. Wasson
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us :
Comments :
Date : 16-Feb-19

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Contact Details

Karen Smith
Medowie, NSW, Australia
Phone : 0412494842
Email : [email protected]